Le soin holistique "Sandra Gasmi a été l'une des premières à créer des routines « in & out » : une approche globale et synergique de la beauté, associant compléments alimentaires aux so...
"Demain Beauty se distingue avec sa détox automnale, alliant le gel nettoyant Go For Glow à des compléments alimentaires et soins régénérants. Il est temps de faire peau neuve !"- ELLEDÉCOUVREZ L'A...
"The seeds took a long time to germinate, but that's it, the organic and natural cosmetics market..."
Le baume démaquillant Time To Detox recommandé par l'experte facialiste Jeanne Casimir, qui nous livre ses indispensables beauté. - Marie Claire Par Nolwenn Du Laz DÉCOUVRIR L'ARTICLE
"Envie d’une routine quotidienne à la fois consciente des enjeux environnementaux et (très) performante ?"
J’ai interrogé la fondatrice de Demain Beauty [...] pour qu’elle me livre ses secrets d’entrepreneure alors que sa marque s’impose dans la cour des grands. - Parlons Maman Par Marion Joseph DÉC...
La technologie Sorga permet de tracer le transport, la distribution et la fabrication des produits Demain® ainsi que le sourcing des matières premières.
Go For Glow, le gel nettoyant exfoliant qui fait des miracles sur les peaux souffrant de dermatite atopique.
Sandra, fondatrice de Demain®, est interviewée pour parler des enjeux actuels dans l'industrie des cosmétiques.
BioFilm Control, a company specializing in microbiota and biofilm, cites Demain Beauty.
Interview with Sandra Gasmi, Founder of Demain Beauty
"The world of beauty is changing, as are other parts of our consumer industry..."
CAN YOU ENRICH YOUR SPA OFFER WITH NUTRICOSMETICS? " Nutricosmetics are used to act on the skin, the hair, but also to help the overall functioning of the body (detoxify) or to re...
"The young French brand Demain contains natural prebiotics and postbiotics."
" The skin draws 80% of its needs from the body. tomorrow brings it vitamins and nutrients..."
"Finishing your cream down to the last drop remains one of the best ways to limit..."
" It deserves to win because: This multifunctional serum does everything for the skin: it protects it, nourishes it..."
"Soaked in prebiotics and probiotics, this treatment rebalances all the cursors of the skin to reduce tightness, and hydrates..."
"To apply its holistic approach to beauty, Demain has developed food supplements that act..."
"In addition to cleansing, the exfoliant or scrub unclogs pores, eliminates dead cells..."
"Despite the crisis, players in the sector wanted to highlight their initiatives. Results: 98 winners this year..."
"The Go for detox, a revolutionary food supplement! This food supplement..."
"Associated with probiotics, prebiotics, these fibers extracted from plants, cajole the flora..."
"The gesture has become glamorous today, especially with the In & Out concept which consists of taking a capsule in synergy..."