May 07, 2021sandra GASMI CONSULTING

By Anne-Lize Duval, dietician, nutritionist, expert in micro-nutrition

It's spring and soon the end of confinement. It's time to prepare our body for our next summer outings and to remedy this period of reduced physical activity with a slimming and detox recipe!!

So today we offer you a recipe with green asparagus and artichokes (DETOX and SLIMMING!), made by our nutrition advisor Anne-Lize Duval, dietician, nutritionist and expert in micronutrition.


Purple artichokes (2)
raw beetroot
raw asparagus
Yellow lemon
1cm ginger
2 tablespoons grapeseed oil
50g raw quinoa
1 tablespoon of goji berries
Seaweed flakes: just 1 tablespoon

Start cooking the quinoa: the grains are covered with saponin, which tastes bitter. This is why it is advisable to rinse them with water before cooking them.

Be sure to rinse well until the water no longer foams to remove all traces of saponin and prevent the bitter taste from remaining. The quinoa is then cooked over low heat for 12 to 15 minutes in twice its volume of water.

Cut the artichokes into strips with a mandolin
Slice the beet with a mandolin.
Cut the asparagus into small pieces
Grate the ginger
Squeeze the lemon
Mix ginger, lemon and grapeseed oil.
Sprinkle the salad with goji berries and seaweed flakes.
Drizzle vegetables with lemon vinaigrette, serve with quinoa

Let's find out why we chose these foods for this slimming recipe.



Very low in calories and containing very few carbohydrates ( 1g/100g compared to an average of 5g ) , the artichoke is very rich in fiber ( 5.4g / 100g of raw artichoke) which stimulates intestinal transit, helps satiation and therefore satiety… Everything we are looking for right now!!

It is detoxifying because it stimulates the production of bile and facilitates the evacuation of toxins in the intestine by stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder. The phenolic acids of the artichoke also have a protective effect on liver cells.

Finally, it is rich in vitamin B9 , which activates cell renewal and is a source of calcium, potassium and copper when raw.

You now understand why we made it one of the star ingredients of our food supplement Go For Detox !


Beets are very high in carbohydrates. White sugar is beet sugar! So don't abuse it!

We love them anyway, because they are rich in lives B9, contributing to the renewal cellular this which makes it particularly important during periods of rapid growth such as childhood, adolescence, pregnancy (development of the fetus) .

Source of manganese and polyphenols, they are very rich in antioxidants (even more when they are cooked!) .

But above all, they contain methionine, which contributes to the elimination of waste in the body and betanin (pigment), used to eliminate fatty acids that pollute the liver. Hence the interest of their presence in this detox recipe!


Low in calories, it promotes the health and proper functioning of our intestines. It stimulates kidney function for proper elimination of toxic waste through the urinary route. And by optimizing intestinal transit, it helps strengthen the immune system.

Rich in vit B9, asparagus is the 5th richest food in folate ( vitB9 ) . 5 asparagus would cover 25% of our daily needs.
It is also an interesting source of vit VS (hence the interest of consuming it raw)

What we know less about asparagus is that it is a super antioxidant! It would have antioxidants of better quality and in greater quantity than several commonly consumed vegetables, such as yellow onion, red onion, garlic, broccoli and bell pepper!

To know : its juice, a natural laxative, is a very good remedy for constipation.

It therefore allows in addition to being a laxative to reduce the damage caused by free radicals in the body and on the skin.


Lemon is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant essential for the formation of collagen. This essential protein for the formation and maintenance of skin, ligaments and bones, boosts the immune system, which of which we good today!


Known for its virtues antioxidants and aphrodisiacs, ginger is also ultra-rich in trace elements And in vitamins whose lives B9 (her again!)

But one of its many virtues also lies in its power over our digestive system. Acting as a natural stimulant of our metabolism, its rhizome acts on the production of enzymes involved in digestion, stimulates it and promotes the secretion of bile. 

Thus, the consumption of ginger will promote the process of digestion of food and help regulate intestinal disorders: nausea, bloating, flatulence and digestive abdominal pain...

Finally, ginger is also known to be an excellent natural fat burner. By promoting digestion, it improves the disintegration of fats and stimulates our metabolism! Interesting here!!!


Grape seed oil is antioxidant, rich in omega-6 & 9 and Vit C.

She is regenerating , sebum-regulating and helps to regulate skin problems: acne, eczema, dry skin, wrinkles, oily skin…

Ideal, isn't it? A slimming recipe that has beneficial effects on the health of our skin!


Also called the "rice of the Incas", it is not a cereal, but belongs to the family of leafy vegetables such as spinach.
Quinoa is made from 70% carbohydrates, 15% protein, few lipids, and many minerals such as iron, manganese and copper. It contains more protein than cereals and all the essential amino acids ( AAE ) .
Also, quinoa is a significant fiber intake which is good for transit.
And it does not contain gluten!


Its association in this recipe with lemon will allow a better assimilation, due to its iron content "no hemic . ".
Indeed, it should be noted that the iron contained in foods of plant origin is less well absorbed by the body, compared to the iron contained in meat.

For better absorption of iron not hemic , so it is best to consume either at the same meal or one hour before or after the meal, foods containing vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, peppers, cabbage) .


Goji berries are known for their antioxidant quality. They provide satiety and help control appetite. Rich in polysaccharides, they help to rebalance food and promote a healthier diet. Very rich in vitamin C, they also strengthen the body's natural defences.


These are extremely rich in minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids. They are rich in soft fibers and are well supplied with proteins. Green algae stand out for their richness in magnesium, calcium and iron – the reds by their protein and vitamin A content – and browns by their fiber and iodine intake.

This richness in nutrients makes them very interesting on a daily basis. But it should not be abused: " not more than 2 to 3 tbsp. at s. per day, because an excess of iodine can disrupt the thyroid, and magnesium, have an effect laxative. »
