Femme avec un écran de tablette numérique


Mar 19, 2020sandra GASMI CONSULTING


It is not so simple, especially in this period of the coronavirus pandemic, which has accelerated the digitalization of our ecosystems. Nevertheless, disconnecting is essential for both our health and the well-being of the planet. While the introduction of high technologies has optimized working time, it has also transformed the management and organization of work, leading to a significant increase in screen time. As a result, the quality of our relationship with work is not always improved. Factors such as stress, heightened mental workload, individualization of work, feelings of loneliness due to reduced direct contact, and the fragmentation of working communities can all have detrimental effects on mental health.



The doctor Kardaras , a psychologist expert in addictology, goes so far as to speak of a “digital heroine” in one of his books on child addiction. According to him, a dozen brain imaging experiments show that the frontal cortex shrinks if the screen time is very important.

The consequences of this change? 
“A person who has a shrunken frontal cortex and less gray matter becomes more impulsive, more addiction-prone, and more aggressive. She doesn't make good decisions, and her logical sequencing skills are impaired."

Between the ages of 12 and 17, it is recommended to limit screen time to 2 hours per day.


  • Reducing screen time will have a direct impact on sleep quality:

The radio frequencies emitted by our mobile phones alter our sleep and the regeneration of our cells.

  • The health of our wallet:

The consumption of our electronic devices represents 15% of the total energy consumption of our homes!

  • How about the planet?

Digital pollution now exceeds that generated by the civil air sector!!!

In 2018, video alone accounted for 80% of global internet traffic!
Data storage centers heat up and therefore consume a lot of energy to be cooled.
The energy consumption generated by our electronic devices could be multiplied by 3 by 2030 according to the International Energy Agency ( IAE ) .

Without an effective energy policy, the IEA predicts that by 2030, the planet's high-tech devices will consume 1,700 TWh per year. Consequently, the increase in demand would ruin the efforts undertaken by States to reduce greenhouse gases.



Let's quickly adopt the right actions that will make tomorrow healthier:

  • Put your electronic devices to sleep at night and when you leave your home.
  • Keep your communication devices away (phones, tablets and computers) before to sleep. 
  • In particular, reduce your screen time before going to bed and (re) take used to falling asleep with a good book.

To know ! Remember to delete photos, videos and emails that you no longer need, because storing them requires a lot of energy.

Don't forget to protect your eyes with suitable glasses or contact lenses, as well as your skin.

How ? By applying treatments composed of active ingredients derived from biotechnology such as anti-infrared and blue light active ingredients or even Vitamin E which will protect the skin from free radicals.

You will find all these components in our Go For Protection treatment.