Beauty comes from within and our nails are often a reflection of inner imbalances! To treat them and have beautiful nails, at Demain® , we like natural formulas, easy to make at home and without any additives.
Let’s take a look at our tips for maintaining healthy nails and having beautiful nails every day!
To begin, let's try to understand the nail better?

The nail is made up of 3 parts:
The nail plate: the most important part of the nail. A horny plate composed of three layers of keratin superimposed. The lower, softer layer adheres to the nail bed.
The lunula: the white, half-moon shaped area located at the base of the nail plate. It is an extension of the matrix.
The matrix: located under the skin at the base of the nail, it produces keratin and ensures the growth of the nail plate.
The nail is surrounded by cuticles.

Nails are made primarily of keratin. They also contain small amounts of water, fatty acids, calcium and iron.
Cuticles are the small pieces of skin that are located at the base of your nail. These small pieces of skin that line the edge of the nail, have a very specific purpose: to protect us from infections.
In fact, they are there to protect our body against humidity and the intrusion of bad bacteria. It is therefore very important not to touch them and not to cut them as some manicurists can do .
Sometimes they get quite stuck to the nail or they tear. The best thing to do is to moisturize them rather than tear them off.
The appearance of nails depends on several factors :
Genetic inheritance: which determines the initial shape of the nail.
Diet : deficiencies, restrictive diets, an unbalanced diet are detrimental to the health of the nails.
General health : anemia, fatigue, stress or certain chronic diseases can cause nail deformation or the appearance of white spots or streaks.
Smoking : responsible for yellowing of nails.
External aggressions : (shocks, use of chemical products without gloves, aggressive cosmetic treatments).
Nails are subject to aging, just like skin and hair. The morphology of the nail changes: over the years, its surface becomes grooved: furrows oriented in the direction of nail growth.
Its properties gradually deteriorate: the nail plate becomes thinner, more fragile, more crumbly. The nail is less resistant to abrasions and daily aggressions that leave increasingly visible marks and the growth rate of the nail slows down.
Eating certain foods can help you have beautiful, healthy, strong and resilient nails.
Let’s find out which ones to favor:
Protein foods : these are what will nourish the keratin responsible for the growth of our nails
Where to find foods rich in protein ? In meat and fish, eggs, but also in legumes, lentils, chickpeas, chia seeds, broccoli and many others necessary for the synthesis of keratin.
Foods rich in zinc : zinc has the particularity of helping in the production of proteins. A diet rich in zinc therefore participates in the production of proteins, including keratin, but also the collagen which makes up the skin.
Where to find foods rich in zinc? In oysters, seafood, meat and liver.
Bet on iron and vitamin B
Foods rich in iron : essential for hair and nail growth . Iron is one of the minerals to promote in your beauty diet. Iron deficiencies can lead to hair loss and nail damage, which is characterized by nails that are no longer rounded but concave in shape, sometimes cracked.
Where to find foods rich in iron? Red meat and fish are excellent sources of iron and it is then very well assimilated by the body. On the other hand, the iron present in vegetables and oilseeds (spinach, lamb's lettuce, beans, lentils, pistachios, etc.) is less well absorbed by the body: it is therefore advisable to combine it with other foods rich in vitamin C to help assimilation by the cells.
Foods rich in vitamin B : vitamin B is particularly indicated for having beautiful nails and hair. Indeed, this vitamin participates in the production of keratin and all the vitamins in the group (vitamins B1, B6 , etc. ) are therefore prescribed for strong nails.
Where to find foods rich in Vit B? In meat, liver, tuna, salmon, eggs, cheese, nuts, almonds, wheat germ, watercress or even nutritional yeast, including brewer's yeast which is also rich in proteins and trace elements.
Don't neglect foods rich in omega-3 and antioxidants
Foods rich in omega-3 : Omega-3 (like omega-6) are fatty acids that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. They are said to be essential because the body cannot produce them itself. They must therefore be provided through food. Omega-3 plays a role in the health of your nails. They would strengthen them naturally. Thanks to these fatty acids, your nails would break less easily and would be less fragile.
Where to find foods rich in omega-3 and 6? Fish, nuts, cod liver, rapeseed oil, flax, walnuts, soy, wheat germ, etc.
Find our article on the benefits of omega 3 and the foods that contain it.
Foods rich in antioxidants : as the skin and nails are subject to accelerated aging due to external aggressions (pollution, UV, etc. ), a diet rich in antioxidants is therefore recommended.
Where to find foods rich in antioxidants? Generally speaking, in colorful fruits and vegetables! Red fruits, berries, red cabbage, beetroot, pepper, eggplant, grape, mango, carrot, melon, grapefruit…
You can also take dietary supplements that will strengthen your nails and hair. In fact, hair is made up of 97% Keratin. By taking care of your nails, you will also be taking care of your hair!
Choose food supplements rich in zinc, iron, calcium, antioxidants, Vit B6, but also in Methionine and cysteine (two amino acids which promote nail nutrition) and silicon to promote nail regrowth and shine.
The food supplement Go For Detox contains zinc and VIT B6 , the food supplement Go For Protection , zinc, vit B3 and antioxidants. You can supplement them with a diet rich in brewer's yeast for example.
A good diet will nourish your nails with good nutrients to promote their growth and keep them healthy. But as with the skin, this “ Inside Beauty ” action must be complemented by an “ Outside ” action to obtain complete results.
Ingredients :
5ml castor oil
5ml argan oil
20 drops of lemon essential oil
Test tubes and test tubes with oil
How to do it?
Massage your nail every evening with a drop (or at least 1 evening out of 2) before bedtime. This will allow you to maximize product penetration. (since you won't wash your hands for 8 hours) . Furthermore, lemon essential oil is photosensitizing and exposure to the sun after application is not recommended. Also note that lemon essence is contraindicated for pregnant women less than 3 months.
Why do we like this recipe?
Very simple to make, it is very complete and will allow you to have beautiful nails and strengthen them while protecting them from external aggressions.
Argan vegetable oil is rich in omega-3 and 6 and is nourishing and protective. It is perfect for the care of damaged or brittle hands and nails.
Castor oil is a very nourishing and strengthening vegetable oil for eyelashes and nails. It ensures good keratin production, making nails more strong and more healthy . Nail growth is thus accelerated. Rich in vitamin E, it is suitable for localized care for dry areas, damaged hands and brittle or ridged nails.
Lemon is an effective antiseptic, antifungal, anti-breakage, anti-streak and anti-yellowing.
We will end this blog with manicure tips!
At Demain® , we favor natural manicures that do not harm the nails or harm health. Indeed, even if many brands have made great progress in formulation by offering more natural varnishes based on potato or corn , the 15% remaining still contain ingredients suspected of being endocrine disruptors.
In addition, natural manicure has great benefits! By naturally filing and polishing your nails, you will naturally erase your ridges and your nails will be naturally shiny!
For this, only 1 tool: the 4-sided file .
To gently push back nail cuticles, the ideal time is after a shower or bath. Gently push back your cuticles using a wooden stick (more environmentally friendly!). This is the right time because they are soft and there is no risk of injury. Do it once a week.
If you are a manicure addict, we can still offer you the following advice :
Always apply a protective base, two coats of varnish and a top coat, choosing the most natural formulas possible.
Leave breathe your nails between 2 manicures: "The nail is not made to be permanently covered of varnish, he needs breathe, because the keratin that composes it and allows its growth hardens in the open air”. Between each application of varnish, we get into the habit of giving our nails a week's rest. » We says Marie, manicure expert at Gloss'up.
Offer to your nails a NAIL DETOX !
As with the Hair Detox, once a year, we leave our nails not only bare, but also without care, for a month to a month and a half.