This neologism, contraction of mask and acne has integrated our vocabulary as suddenly and inevitably as the word “containment” as the phenomenon is so frequent!!! But what exactly is the maskné?
THE masked is a typology of acne caused by the daily wearing of the mask. The obligation to wear the mask is an effective shield against the coronavirus, but are imperfections on the face also obligatory?
Here we are sharing the easy tricks to get rid of the masked and find a peach skin.
Wearing the mask for a long time creates an unusual environment for your skin. Under the mask, the air is both warmer and more humid. It is an ideal microclimate for the overproduction of sebum . (That's why we have oilier skin in summer, and drier in winter ) .
Wearing a mask also creates an ideal environment for the development of bacteria . Finally, since the mask is also occlusive, the sebum cannot flow out and it clogs the pores of the skin. Gold, clogged pores + bacteria = acne .
Added to this is the friction of the fabric, which can cause contact irritation in the finest skin. Not to mention that your skin may not tolerate the chemical treatment and dyes of disposable masks.
The consequences are therefore vast: redness, allergies, imperfections or irritations.
How to take care of your dull skin, and above all how to get rid of maskne?
1.Take more time for yourself (and your skin).
Take the time to make homemade masks.
To soothe, nourish and rebalance your skin at half mast, prepare an SOS mask , with ingredients present in your fridge:
Half Greek yogurt will shield your skin with live probiotic cells that will rebalance your skin flora.
Add honey for its moisturizing and healing properties. If it's manuka honey, even better, because it's naturally antibacterial.
You could also prepare a purifying mask :
Mix clay with water or witch hazel hydrosol.
Be careful , do not overuse green clay masks. Prefer white and pink clays, which are softer and above all do not let the mask dry out.
For what ? Dry clay not only absorbs sebum, it also absorbs water. However, dehydrated skin, to protect itself, produces more sebum and therefore more acne….
2.Think about food supplements.
Food supplements act from within in synergy with cosmetics. They provide your skin with the vitamins and nutrients necessary for its beauty.
Choose food supplements rich in zinc and detoxifying plants. They will release the toxins from your body and skin and hence help to get rid of maskne !
The Go For Detox food supplement rich in turmeric, artichoke, dandelion root, chlorella and Zinc will act effectively in synergy with the Go For Glow cleansing gel to get rid of maskne !
3.Don't forget the probiotics!
Real everyday allies, probiotics could well prove to be essential in your maskne hunt!
Composed of strains of good bacteria, they have the unique ability to rebalance the skin's flora . When we know to what extent pathogenic bacteria play a role in the appearance of maskne , we understand how magical their action can be in its resolution!
So always favor fabric masks (AFNOR standard of course), untreated and uncolored cotton or, even better, silk masks appreciated for their softness and antibacterial properties. According to an American study published in mid-September, silk would also repel moisture better and ensure better breathability than cotton or polyester. Silk would also cause less pimples on the face!
5.Care for your mask properly.
Remember that each mask , whether disposable or not, can be worn for a maximum of 4 hours . Beyond that, its effectiveness is no longer guaranteed. For skin prone to maskne, this change is also beneficial. Because the longer the mask is worn, the more bacteria develop underneath.
Wash your reusable masks at 60°C , with the most neutral detergent possible (ideally Marseille soap flakes) and forget the fabric softener. Not only is the latter very fragrant, which can cause allergies to the most sensitive skin, but it often contains animal fat, which can clog the pores of your skin.
If you find your masks too rough, you can add white vinegar to the fabric softener compartment of your washing machine.